
Most amazing cold shower health benefits:

Cold shower health benefits: We discuss cold shower health benefits, tips for starters to cold shower, are cold showers good for acne also are cold showers better than hot showers: Cold shower health benefits: Cold showers are difficult to take early in the morning but having said that, cold showers can have a number of health benefits that may not be as widely known so, in this article we will explore some of the most important cold shower health benefits that you may not know about till now.  So, what is cold water shower good for: We're used to hot showers, especially in the winter but cold showers are proving to be a popular alternative because of their wide range of health benefits. You can benefit from taking a cold water shower and  even though cold showers may not seem appealing at first but you'll probably appreciate them once you discover the many benefits listed below. 1: Improved muscle recovery: In high-performance sports, cold water immersion is well known and wid

How long is delta variant contagious: Covid-19:

How long is delta variant contagious: We discuss how long is delta variant contagious, is the delta variant more contagious, are any variants more deadly and what are delta variant symptoms: How long is delta variant contagious: No matter the variant, you may be contagious for as long as two weeks to a maximum for (in rare cases) 18 days with the Coronavirus or from any of its many variants, including the Delta variant. Having said that, it does not make delta variant the same as their predecessors. Corona virus and its delta variant, though both being contagious for most of the same time, are very different in terms of how they spread and that is where the danger lies.  Health officials estimate that: A Delta variant infected person could infect five to nine people with the virus, compared with two or three with the usual variants of COVID-19.  According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Delta variants also make people sicker faster. Those who tested positive for the de

Easily how to Get rid of cough faster.

How to get rid of cough faster: We discuss how to get rid of a cough faster, medicine for cough and sore throat, how to get rid of cough fast naturally and how to get rid of a cough fast while pregnant: How to get rid of a cough faster: As a natural reflex, coughing protects your lungs by clearing them of irritants like smoke and mucus however, it can also be caused by a cold or flu virus. Among coughs, there are dry ones and chesty ones , as well as productive coughs (those that produce mucus) and non-productive coughs (those that do not). Chesty coughs usually lead to productive coughs, whereas dry coughs do not. i) Dry cough: No excessive mucus is present and it is most likely caused by irritation and hence, cough suppressants like dextromethorphan can be used to treat dry coughs. ii) Chesty cough: It can be productive and unproductive at the same time. You may have difficulty expectorating (coughing up) the mucus to clear the airway passages when you have this condition cause

How much fat should I eat per day on keto [All you need to know]

How much fat should I eat per day on keto: We discuss how much fat should I eat per day on keto, key factors in Keto diet, Saturated vs Unsaturated fat and healthy high Fat low Carb foods: how much fat should I eat per day on keto: Many people who follow the ketogenic diet wonder how much fat they should consume. The answer is not that simple as there are several factors involved in answering this question, such as your age, weight, and gender and the "one size fits all" rule is not universal here. For most people on low-carb or ketogenic diets, a fat intake around 70% of total calories may be a good choice meaning, if you are aiming to consume 2,000 calories daily, no more than 1400 of those calories should come from fat. In addition, it is also questioned which type of fat (saturated and unsaturated fat) is more nutritious but the reality is that both types of fat should be included in our diet with a general rule of  limiting your saturated fat consumption to less than 10