
Showing posts with the label Food

Cholesterol myths busted [Eat food you thought you could not]

Cholesterol myths busted Cholesterol myths busted like fat is always bad for the body, also checking healthy red meat consumption per week and foods that causes most heart problems. Cholesterol myths busted: Our health is at stake when we are influenced by misleading information and the more serious the health condition, the more we rely on reliable sources for information for healthy eating. Cholesterol is a type of fat that is found in the blood. There are two types of cholesterol, High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL is "good" cholesterol that protects against cardiovascular disease and LDL is "bad" cholesterol. The problem with LDL is that it builds up on the wall of the arteries. In this section we will provide some cholesterol myths busted and insight if cholesterol diet is really needed. Furthermore, it will address some of the myths about good and bad cholesterol levels in order to help you understand why this lipid might ...

Skinless almonds [Get most out of almonds]

skinless almonds We discuss what skinless almonds or Blanched almonds are, how to blanch almonds, storing skinless almonds and which almond type is healthier. Skinless almonds: There is a good chance you have come across recipes using blanched almond flour if you eat a paleo or gluten-free diet. Almond flour is a grain-free alternative to white flour in many baked goods, blanched almond flour (which is made by grinding blanched almonds) is often used. So what are blanched almonds and why is it important whether or not we use almond flour made from blanched almonds?  The taste, nutrition, and aesthetics of a dish will be affected by using regular almonds and almond flour that is blanched.  Even with regular almonds you can make blanched almonds yourself quite easily. What Are Blanched Almonds? Skinless almonds are known as blanched almonds. There's not much difference between blanched and unblanched almonds so they can be substituted for each other in the same amounts. 2 best w...

Turmeric for headache [Understand the benefits]

Turmeric for headache: We discuss usage of Turmeric for headache and what turmeric dose for headache is acceptable. Also, is turmeric and ginger good for headache and migraines among other topics. Turmeric for headache: Turmeric is a spice that is usually used in curries but turmeric may also be helpful in reducing the frequency of headaches, especially if you have a headache with nausea and vomiting or both. Turmeric has been used since ancient times to treat various health conditions such as pain, inflammation and gastrointestinal diseases. The active ingredient of turmeric which is responsible for its therapeutic properties is curcumin .  Curcumin can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream and crosses the brain barrier quite easily thus proving effective against various neurological disorders and conditions including headache. Understanding the benefits of turmeric can help you decide how to use it in your life, especially for headaches. What does current research say abou...

Is salt good for teeth [Know the good and bad]

Is salt good for teeth: This question is often asked, is salt good for teeth so, we look into it  along with also checking is salt good for teeth whitening, is salt good for teeth brushing and also is salt water good for teeth and gums among other salt and teeth related questions. Is salt good for teeth: There is a lot of misunderstanding in the public about the effects of salt on teeth. There are two sides to this debate.  The first says that salt is bad for your teeth and the second says salt is good for your teeth. The following article will help to clear up some of those misconceptions and provide a better understanding on the effects of salt on dental health. There are many studies being done in order to determine which side of the debate has more support. Until then, it's hard to say definitively whether or not salt is good or bad for our teeth but it seems like it's a mixed bag at best. The benefits of salt are undeniable, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Why Salt ...

Eating too many almonds [keep eating in control]

Eating too many almonds We discuss a common asked question "how many almonds can I eat in a day" and also can eating too many almonds have side effects. Some benefits of almonds and almonds nutritional value amongst other topics. Eating too many almonds: Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts on the planet as they contain a lot of protein, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. Almonds are also an excellent source of healthy fats and protein and they are also high in calories. However, eating too many almonds can result in bloating and may also cause constipation and diarrhea due to its high-fiber content. In this post we will talk about how many almonds you should be eating a day and the health benefits of almonds. How Many Almonds should You Eat In A Day: Almonds contain 23 kernels per ounce.  Amounts of almonds that can be eaten every day without causing side effects are unknown however, it is generally recommended to limit your consumption of almonds to 10 to 15 per da...

Benefits of eating soaked almonds empty stomach [Awesome health]

Benefits of eating soaked almonds empty stomach: We explore the benefits of eating soaked almonds empty stomach, also eating soaked almonds at night and how many soaked almonds to eat a day amongst other topics: Benefits of eating soaked almonds empty stomach: Almonds are one of the world's healthiest foods and it is also a great snack for people trying to lose weight and in addition to having plenty of fibre and healthy fats, almonds are also packed with several nutrients and many studies have now demonstrated that almonds can boost health in a variety of ways.  Did you know that eating soaked almonds every morning on an empty stomach provides health benefits, how many you ask? well  about 4-8 soaked almonds  can be eaten first thing in the morning which will offer several health benefits such as improving digestive health, weight loss and improving heart health. This superfood is filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats which can improve your ...

Best time of day to eat avocado [Best fruit for health]

Best time of day to eat avocado: We explore what is the best time of the day to eat avocado, best time to eat avocado for weight loss and what are the benefits of eating an avocado a day among other relevant topics. Best time of day to eat avocado: Avocados can be eaten at any time prior to breakfast and lunch throughout the day to improve health considerably. The researchers found that eating avocados for breakfast improved blood flow which could affect your blood pressure. The researchers also observed better blood-sugar and blood-fat levels following the meal compared to the standard meal without before having avocado. Avocado: Avacados are one of the most popular fruits in the United States where they are grown in warm climates all over the country. Avocado is believed to have originated in Mexico, Guatemala and Peru and so much so that the Aztecs considered avocados to be "the food of the gods." Avocados are also a well-known source of healthy fats and potassium which ...